Invisalign at PlusTerveys
Your dentist will first carry out an assessment and advise you whether Invisalign is right for you. Next, we will scan your teeth and take a dental impression. We will use this information to draw up a treatment plan while a computer programme designs your custom-made Invisalign aligners. As your treatment progresses, you’ll receive a series of aligners which are changed every 1–2 weeks, depending on your treatment plan. The aligners are specifically created to apply the right pressure in the right places. You will need to change aligners when the previous set has done its job. The pretreatment simulation allows you to see the end result during the planning stage. The exact duration of your treatment depends on your individual circumstances as well as the complexity of the case and the desired outcome. The average time is 6–9 months, but it is possible that your treatment will take longer. More straightforward cases can be completed in three months.
How does the Invisalign work?
The aligners are made using a patented SmartTrack material that has been clinically proven to be effective. They are custom-made to fit your teeth to deliver optimal results as quickly as possible. Sometimes you might need to have a set of plastic attachments bonded to your teeth to encourage them to move. The transparent attachments allow the aligner to grip the teeth better and ensure that the desired realignment takes place. The attachments are extremely comfortable to wear and can be removed as needed, for mealtimes and tooth brushing for example. The Invisalign is more comfortable and less obvious than fixed braces as you can enjoy all the food and drinks just as before. Invisalign is an excellent choice if you want to upgrade your smile without complicating your life.